Exploring The City

I’ve lived in or close to London Ontario all my life. When I started photography I was living just north of the city and the landscape in the rural areas was most appealing as a subject to practice learning the craft. And that’s what I’ve continued to do for years, chasing the light on the landscape in rural and wooded areas. It’s been fun and adventurous. But all this time I had a tapestry of subjects to photograph right in my home town and rarely if ever did I work those scenes. But recently I’ve started wandering around more, with camera in hand, and finding a new landscape. Or city-scape I suppose. I believe some photographers call this “new topographics”.  That’s quite an applicable term actually.  So I think I’ll do more city photography and explore local towns to find man-made landscapes and take my portfolio to a new genre.  New ground can really fire up the creativity.
Victoria Bridge Construction London Ontario Canada 2023