I’ve been trying my hand at more night photography and building a nice little portfolio of photographs. It’s quite interesting to approach photographs with a new style. The light is definitely different but also the air and mood and feel. I came across this scene on Dingman Drive in London Ontario one night. The reason it caught my attention as a photograph was because the previous week I had been looking through a book of painting by Canadian artist Christopher Pratt. A few of his paintings inspired me to be on the lookout for possible photographs in a similar style. One piece called “Driving to Venus: From Eddies Cove East” had that “from the drivers seat” perspective that I really loved. Capturing that feeling of driving on the lonely highway at night. I had that same feeling when I saw this scene. I stopped my truck and got out with my camera to lean over the hood to get a clean view without having to photograph through the windshield. But it was dark and I had to use a high ISO. Its gritty, its grainy, but I love it.